Yanwei Fu

School of Data Science, Fudan University.


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  • Yanwei Fu is a professor  at the School of Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai China.

    He is  Professor of Eastern Scholar, Shanghai (上海高校特聘教授 – 东方学者), 1000 young scholar (青千),and ARC DECRA fellow.

    Research interests

    He is interested in the following ML/CV topics (with the corresponding selected papers from my Project page):

    1, Learning from small samples by exploring the Statistical sparsity

    2, Learning based 3D/4D object/body Reconstruction and Robotic Grasping;

    3, AIGC, Foundation Models.

    Please use the key words to search the corresponding papers from my Project Pages.

    Homepage of interesting tasks: 1) Inpainting: zits++: https://ewrfcas.github.io/ZITS-PlusPlus/ CasMTR: https://ewrfcas.github.io/CasMTR/ ARCI: https://ewrfcas.github.io/ARCI/

    2)Vision-Guided Robotic Grapsing: 2.1, we have used Large Language Model (LLM) to improve the performance of robotics: https://star-uu-wang.github.io/WALL-E/ 2.2, Our ICCV 23’s work in fancy controlling the robotics for pouring water: https://hetolin.github.io/PourIt/ 2.3, Our CVPR22, ICRA2022 works on vision guided robotic grasping in general. 6DoF category-level object localization https://hetolin.github.io/SAR-Net/ 2.4 sketch-guided robotic grasping https://hetolin.github.io/Skt_grasp/


    Please donot contact me via my QMUL email address, which has been suspended.

    关于本组招生:大数据学院科学硕士及直博生是统一招生(而不是分配给导师名额)。所以感兴趣我们组的话,可以直接去申请拿到学院的offer,再联系我即可。申请普博或者Oversea students想来我们组做summer intern的话,可以提前联系我。 大家有兴趣联系我们,可以email联系我。 有兴趣做statistical sparsity的本科同学,可以直接联系孙鑫伟老师,我们可以一起合作。

    **注意:本组已经没有2024年9月份入学的硕士、博士名额了。 **

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